Following stations will be active for the Island Festival !
- 14IR/MA122 Blanche
- 14IR/MA045 St Rion
- 14IR/MA123 Raguenes Meur
- 14IR/MA052 Lavrec
- 14IR/10006R Ile de Saint Mesmin
- 14IR/68020R île de la centrale d'Ottmarsheim
- 14IR/36077R Bonneau
- 29IR/EU-115 Ireland
- 68IR/EU-115 Northern-Ireland
- 79IR/OC-129 Negros Island
- 104IR/EU-014 Corsica
- 155IR/AS-020 Taiwan
- 158IR/SA-011 Trinidad
Send your logs to 15IR106 Adrian
Aeschbach Adrian, Unterer Rossiweg 8, 3856 Brienzwiler , Switzerland