Statement regarding New Rules and Guidelines

Statement of IRDX President Jimmy 13IR011

I would like to thank all involved members for acceptance and support to stop the destruction of IRDX Group. The here published “17 rules” are deleted, because most of them are not conform with IRDX philosophy, what we call “The Spirit.”

Philosophy of IR-DX Group (The Spirit)
The International Radio DX-Group 11m Section
is a family friendly, liberal group of radio operators.
We are open for everybody and respect all others.
Our hobby is DXing and our passion is finding friends around the world.
We want to be a modern, non-profit group with ideas for the future.

We just have a few rules to run the community.

For all IR-DX members, who want to have more rules and strict regulations, we can recommend other DX groups!

We want to stay a non-profit group and we don´t want to force our members to pay a fee every year nor for zero unit-numbers, but we are always open to receive any voluntary amount if you want to support us.

At the moment we don´t see any reason to change anything from the philosophy.

On this point we want to say thank you to Felipe 32IR001, Eduardo 12IR001 and Ken 47IR042 for their work as Vice Presidents, Coordinators/Directors etc. They all give back all their positions voluntary and make the way free for new characters.
At the moment the HQ Team is established as follows:

Rob 19IR04 VP, 13IR102 Lars VP, 15IR076 Chris VP,
Kati 13YL747 HQ Secretary
Jimmy 13IR011 President

Besides IRDX group announces the new Senior Vice Presidents Board:
Daniel 13IR074, Bert 13IR101 (former Vice President), Adrian 15IR106 (former President)

For the future we are looking for original members with spirit who want to be involved with any position in IRDX group. Feel free to contact HQ Team.

Soon we will publish more information about new structures in IRDX group.

73 & good DX de
Jimmy 13IR011
IRDX President 11m section

How to Increase IRDX Member Activity ?

The number of active IRDX members tends to increase when there is a lot of activity on the 11m.

In the last few months I’ve been able to contact many of you, because I’m on the radio every day and I’ve finally been able to install a better antenna than the vertical one I had in place for 2 years, which is great and I realise that if IRDX members are more active on the air they also need to be more active on the internet.

The first and best way is to be registered on a cluster, there are several (11DXClusterdxCRXdx27lf11) as the IRDX callsign is your main callsign, the best thing is to register with this one, but that’s not enough, you have to share with other users by sending spots.

The contacts you make, the frequency you are on, all this allows others to identify you easily and therefore allows you to make many radio contacts.

Another way is to have a Facebook account and a Facebook page (This link allows you to see my personal page).

I invite you to create your own and share as many images, sound, videos as possible for your favourite activity which is to make contacts with the whole world.

Facebook is not perfect, but it is a social network that is perfect for promoting radio activities, it is possible to share photos, videos, text, sound either on your wall or directly on your page.

As far as messaging is concerned, two are above the others, Whatsapp and Telegram and the international Radio DX Group is present on these two applications, if you wish to join one or the other of the groups set up, do not hesitate to contact me by email :

Message from irhqcouncil

Dear members,

We want first to thank you for your support during the changes that happened in the group.

We are happy to state that the IR-DX has been improving fast during the last couple of months.

New members and returning members, lots of activities, invasions … This is very positive !

Outstanding / late QSL problem seems to be solved and requests are taken care of quickly.

The Council is using email, whatsapp and phone to take decisions as fast as possible and, for example, activations authorisations can be given usually in 24 hours.

We wanted to thank everyone who is taking part to the HB20 event (chasers & activators).

There has been a few good ones on the air and more are coming.

It is still possible to join the event at anytime, you just need to contact 14IR017 Regis ( It’s never too late, because HB20 is until 31/12/2014.

The list of HB20 is already impressive :

You can take advantage of the coming “short skip” conditions to have fun with your

/HB20 suffix !

The Council will keep on working hard to meet our goals and satisfy all the members.

Do no hesitate to contact us if you have any ideas, requests, questions etc to this email address only :

Best regards.

the VP council.
14IR001  Didier – 14IR184 Diégo – 15IR076 Chris – 15IR106 Adrian – 19IR004 Rob.

From Russia with love

Russia50IR010 Victor from Samara area is active from times to times.

QSL via 14IR017 Regis. Adress OK on or contact via:  


Voluntary contribution (and in any case not contribution for IR-DX members who make the QSO with their IR callsign).

A special QSL card will be published for this activity.

Victor made 140 QSO so far (14 may 2013)

IR-DX members logged so far:

14IR017, 14IR777, 14IR016, 14IR215, 163IR001.14IR048, 14IR574, 14IR161, 1IR061, 14IR184, 14IR021, 1IR134, 1IR083.

Several QSL requests already received.