Category Archives: IR-DX HQ News
Join IRDX 2018 !
Want to become an IRDXer ? It's the right time to apply for a lifetime membership !
Vous voulez devenez un IRDXeur ? C'est le moment de nous contacter pour demander un indicatif IR à vie !
76IR101 Victor
IRDX Clubstations
- The QRZ for the Clubstation must be obtained from IR HQ
- There must be one named operator, who is responsible for the correct running of the Station
- There must be a minimum of three (3) operators present before the Clubstation can be activated
- An accurate log must be kept, using the progressive number system will be prefered. The Log must be signed by at least three (3) of the operators present.
- NO Money or IRC are to be requested for qsl cards
- The Operators of the clubstation may only say during the activation : “voluntary contrbution will be appreciated”.
The Special QSL 000 will be send anyway, without any problems.
WhatsApp group for IR-DX members
New Members & Old Member Back
New Members
13IR747 Mike – RIP
We found an old newsletter, from the period that our group became popular, because of the nice activations.
For those who have never seen/read it, have a look : IR – Newsletter Volume 1-97 Oct-Nov 1997
Message from irhqcouncil
Dear members,
We want first to thank you for your support during the changes that happened in the group.
We are happy to state that the IR-DX has been improving fast during the last couple of months.
New members and returning members, lots of activities, invasions … This is very positive !
Outstanding / late QSL problem seems to be solved and requests are taken care of quickly.
The Council is using email, whatsapp and phone to take decisions as fast as possible and, for example, activations authorisations can be given usually in 24 hours.
We wanted to thank everyone who is taking part to the HB20 event (chasers & activators).
There has been a few good ones on the air and more are coming.
It is still possible to join the event at anytime, you just need to contact 14IR017 Regis ( It’s never too late, because HB20 is until 31/12/2014.
The list of HB20 is already impressive :
You can take advantage of the coming “short skip” conditions to have fun with your
/HB20 suffix !
The Council will keep on working hard to meet our goals and satisfy all the members.
Do no hesitate to contact us if you have any ideas, requests, questions etc to this email address only :
Best regards.
the VP council.
14IR001 Didier – 14IR184 Diégo – 15IR076 Chris – 15IR106 Adrian – 19IR004 Rob.