A short word from the founder of IR-DX !

Hello to all IRDX members,I ‘m very happy to be here after so many years to celebrate our 20 years anniversary. I founded the club back in 1994 before moving into Ham radio . I wish you all well and hope to meet you soon.

Best Regards Tommy 43IR001 Sydney,Australia

Thank YOU, Tommy ! Thank you for starting this great story that is still alive today !

News from Philippines

The QSL-manager of 79IR101 Seth, received latest information from Seth, that he and his family are in good condition after the deadly typhoon Hayan passed the Philippines last week and devastated mainly the east part.

The typhoon crossed the north part of Negros island.

On behalf of the entire IR-DX Group, we pass our condoleances to those who lost family members.

May they rest in Peace.

From Russia with love

Russia50IR010 Victor from Samara area is active from times to times.

QSL via 14IR017 Regis. Adress OK on cluster.dk or contact via:  


Voluntary contribution (and in any case not contribution for IR-DX members who make the QSO with their IR callsign).

A special QSL card will be published for this activity.

Victor made 140 QSO so far (14 may 2013)

IR-DX members logged so far:

14IR017, 14IR777, 14IR016, 14IR215, 163IR001.14IR048, 14IR574, 14IR161, 1IR061, 14IR184, 14IR021, 1IR134, 1IR083.

Several QSL requests already received.

Membership benefit : NO CONTRIBUTION for our members

Taken from 1-2013 Newsletter :

Within last years the postage got higher and higher. Most DX-clubs put standard contribution to 2 US$. Now we want to show another way and present a real benefit to be a 100% member of International Radio DX Group. For all 100% International Radio members (originals) working an IR-DXpedition (0 or DX) or some special IOTA activations (described on our website), managed by IR-DX HQ QSL service, the contribution is free of charge. This is new rule is valid in 2013 and we hope to continue in 2014. A list of these QSL managers will be published soon. Original IR-DX member means that the DXpedition is worked with your International Radio callsign only.
