IR-DX Holiday stations active

The summer holidays has started in Europe a few weeks ago and during the period of July and August, it is possible that you might hear some IR-members active in holiday style, like :

  • 47/15IR106 (QSL via operators instructions)

  • 47/15IR117(QSL via operators instructions) – North part Denmark

  • 109/13IR115 (QSL via Box 1410 – 91142 – Roth – Germany)

When you might be active as IR holiday station and like to share this with us, just drop an e-mail to :

20IR/GI & 20IR/R

30.06. till 03.07.
20IR/GI = Gurskoy Island and 20IR/RI = Runde Island (both EU079)
by 13IR105 Tommy

2 EU/US contribution + SAE, (No PayPal)
It’s necessary to send your QSL card(s)
Also included are Tommys other activations: 21IR/EU020, 212IR/0, 21/13IR105, 20/13IR105

IR members do not have to pay a contribution

Please send the envelope with your QSL, SAE and contribution to:
Tommy, Po Box 1410, 91142 Roth, Germany

IRDX Germany field day 2024 meeting soon

You are invited to join the German IR-DX Fieldday 2024. This year it will be held between July 19th and 21st. The main day will be saturday 20th !

Have nice eye-ball QSO’s with members and non-members and join the BBQ.

There will be some activity also to celebrate the 30st anniversary of the IR-DX Group.

Listen out or join our Big Event between Nuremberg and Roth.If you want to visit us, sent us an e-mail for more information and let us know, if you want to participate with the BBQ, so we can calculate how much we need to arrange all.

80/15IR664 BOLIVIA – ON AIR –

80/15IR664Philipp 15IR664 is active now from Cochabamba central part of Bolivia.

Will be active until April 5th 2024  “Holiday style”, some info about the setup there in Cochabamba:

TX/RX: Yaesu FT 857D 100W

ANTENNA: Half Wave End Fed coax antenna 

Logged Stations: ITL (in the log)

QSL Manager: 15IR106 Adrian

Standard contribution is needed.

See you in the Pile UP!

Continue reading

Asian Tour 2024 by Asia DX Team

Source : 13IR102

The Asian Tour (237IR/0, 238IR/0 and 242IR/0) is ended and the team is safe back to Thailand now.
3 Days to go back home.

Thanks to all Supporter and for QSO’s, we will back later this Year!

73’s from Ralph & Lars

Am I in the Log ?

…and don‘t be afraid about the spent money!
The donated money is safe with paypal and till now not touched!
Don‘t worry about it.

News from Asian Tour from 23.01.2024 will be 153IR102 and 153IR249 On Air

13IR102 & 13IR249 Asian Tour 2024