IRDX Germany field day 2024 meeting soon

You are invited to join the German IR-DX Fieldday 2024. This year it will be held between July 19th and 21st. The main day will be saturday 20th !

Have nice eye-ball QSO’s with members and non-members and join the BBQ.

There will be some activity also to celebrate the 30st anniversary of the IR-DX Group.

Listen out or join our Big Event between Nuremberg and Roth.If you want to visit us, sent us an e-mail for more information and let us know, if you want to participate with the BBQ, so we can calculate how much we need to arrange all.

Review International Radio DX fieldday 2022 – Germany

After some years of absence, the German IR-DX crew decided to organize a fieldday meeting again. 

First visitors
The first fieldday visitors from the Netherlands (19IR04 Rob and his wife) and Switzerland (15IR076 Chris and his wife), did arrive as one of the first on friday afternoon. 
Meanwhile the crew was busy with cleaning and building up the side and got some help from the visitors, to get ready for the main fieldday on saturday.

BBQ man

BBQ man

IR and non-IR members
Several (non) members from the area, showed up on fridayevening, to say hello and took a few drinks. 
Under great weather conditions with a clear blue sky and very sunny weather, the fieldday started on saturdaymorning.
More members, including non-members, showed up and we had a lot of nice eyeball QSO contacts.

It was really nice to meet several old friends, who did not see eachother for over 10-20-30 years.

Some “Young Ladies” from the IR-DX group had made some nice cake at home and did share it during the fieldday. At the late saturday afternoon, we had a nice BBQ with several nice salads.
The eyeball QSO contacts, did continue until the end of the evening. On sunday, the fieldday was being faced out, little by little and at the end of the afternoon, it was really ended.

Setup during the 11 WorldWide contest

Transceiver and laptop setup

Fieldday – 11 WW Contest
As we know that the 11 WorldWide contest was running, we decided to use 13IR/HQ as our callsign, instead of 13IR000.
We knew, that we did not announce it in advance, but we did not make a serious plan to be active many hours.
So far, 79 radio contacts could be made, mainly inside Europe, but also with continents Africa and South-America.

Thank you
We would like to thank all people involved with the fieldday organization and all participants to make this event a success after some years again.
Unfortunately one of the organizers was in quarantaine, so unfortunately he and his wife were not able to join us.

14IR000/HB25 (= 14IR/68035R)

IR-DX 25th anniversary

Sunday June the 2nd 2019, IR-DX division France Clubstation will be formed.
14IR213 Mario, 14IR206 Florent and 14IR017 Reg will be active as 14IR000/HB25. The station will be 100% portable and located on an I.W.I referenced 68035R (île de Ruelisheim), so all contacts made for 14IR000/HB25 will also confirm / be valid for 14IR/68035R.

QSL manager: 14IR017 Reg (special QSL will be made) – infos via

Contribution is voluntary only.

Good luck ! Thanks for supporting IR-DX !

This activity will be dedicated to our friend Willy 14IR707, gone too soon – RIP

25ème anniversaire du groupe IR

Dimanche 2 juin 2019, la station club de la division France du groupe International Radio sera formée.
14IR213 Mario, 14IR206 Florent et 14IR017 Reg seront actifs comme 14IR000/HB25. La station sera 100% portable et active depuis un I.W.I référencé 68035R (île de Ruelisheim), tous les contacts faits pour 14IR000/HB25 seront valides également pour 14IR/68035R.

QSL manager: 14IR017 Reg (une QSL spéciale sera éditée) infos via

Contribution VOLONTAIRE uniquement.

Bonne chance !

Cette activité sera dédiée à notre ami Willy 14IR707, parti trop tôt – RIP


This sunday, 14IR206 Florent, 14IR213 Mario and 14IR017 Reg will meet and do an activity that will be valid for both 14IR/68035R Ruelisheim island IWI and for 14IR000/HB25.
14IR/68035R was active last year, but only few contacts were made due to bad band conditions.

CU soon ! More details to come !

Ce dimanche, 14IR206 Florent , 14IR213 Mario et 14IR017 Reg se réuniront pour une activation qui sera à la fois valide pour 14IR/68035R ile de Ruelisheim et pour la Clubstation France 14IR000/HB25.
L’île de Ruelisheim avait été activée l’an dernier, mais hélas peu de QSO avaient été réalisés en raison des mauvaises conditions de bande.

A bientot ! D’autres détails sont à venir !

IRDX Clubstations



  • The QRZ for the Clubstation must be obtained from IR HQ
  • There must be one named operator, who is responsible for the correct running of the Station
  • There must be a minimum of three (3) operators present before the Clubstation can be activated
  • An accurate log must be kept, using the progressive number system will be prefered. The Log must be signed by at least three (3) of the operators present.
  • NO Money or IRC are to be requested for qsl cards
  • The Operators of the clubstation may only say during the activation : “voluntary contrbution will be appreciated”.
    The Special QSL 000 will be send anyway, without any problems.