Island Festival 2015


14IR/PI Printegarde Island IWI
15IR/BE-004 IWI New Island on 11m
19IR/GOAT IWI ( maybe callsigns changes)
79IR/OC-129/CE Cebu Island IOTA
79IR/OC-129/NE Negros Island IOTA
104IR/EU-014 Corsica Island IOTA
Koh Tao island IOTA
158IR/SA-011 Trinidad IOTA
173IR/AF-016 Reunion IOTA
188IR/AF-013 Madagascar IOTA

Special Island Festival 2015 QSL via 15IR106 ( All Islands confirmed on 1 QSL = 1 contribution = 1 letter to send)

Separate QSL available for:
173IR/AF016, 104IR/EU014, 153IR/AS101/KT, 188IR/AF-013- & 14IR/PI :

All via 14IR001 Cano Didier, chez Mme REZAG, 11 rue Hubert CHAPON Bât H, 26500 BOURG LES VALENCE, France

Coming soon : new one from AS-053 group ! 153IR/AS-053

Hier lässt sich wunderbar den ganzen Tag am einsamen Strand liegen...

Soon on Air, New IOTA on 11 meter, this island has never been activated before, if you are interested to sponsor and get direct postcard please contact Jan 153IR101.
QSL via 153IR101 Jan including standard contribution. Dates of activation will be announced as soon as possible, stay tuned. 153IR/AS053

Babaow island activations

babaowThe Babaow Team is currently achieving a very succesful island tour in Brittany.

They managed the put on the air some rare and “new one” island, working in a perfect cooperation.

Thumbs up to 14DX461 Ludo, 14FR003 (14IR162) Gui and 14IR184 !

More info, pictures, activation reports to come soon.

Many pictures on our Facebook group