
Fortaleza Lighthouse32IR001 Felipe informed us, that Eduardo 12IR001 will start some activity from Fortaleza del Cerro Lighthouse.

The lighthouse was constructed in 1802 and is overlooking the Bay of Montevideo with an altitude of 134 meters above sea level, so a nice DX spot.

Eduardo starts the activity from 15 July 2023 until 700 stations are logged (no end date known).

QSL card via 32IR001 Felipe.

S.A.E. (Self Addressed Envelope) + Standard contribution is requested.
For IR members only an S.A.E. and NO contribution required.



Received information from 32IR001 Felipe about  3IR012 Robson, that he will be active with the callsign 3IR/CC to celebrate 90th anniversary of the city Coincencao do Coité, situated in the state of Bahia, Brazil.

He starts to use the callsign from June 26th until July 15th 2023.

QSL via 3IR012

Self Addressed Envelope en standard contribution is requested.
For member of IR-Group, only S.A.E. is requested and no contribution.

IR-DX Fieldday 2023

Any plans for the last weekend of July 2023? No?

Then consider to join the IR-DX Fieldday 2023 held in Switzerland during the weekend of 28, 29, 30 of July.

We like to invite you to visit the IR-DX Fieldday, where IR-DX members and non-members do meet eachother and spent a nice and relaxing weekend with or without radio and have some face to face chatting, enjoy the beautiful area and during the evening, BBQ-ing.
Last years fieldday was being held in Roth – Germany where many “old and new members” showed up again after absence of some years and had a great weekend together.

Please register before 21 July,
so we can calculate what we need to prepare.


Join the 11 World Wide Contest

This contest event is taking place every 3rd full weekend of July and to create more activity, all IR-members are invited to take part in the Eleven World Wide Contest.

Even if you are not a member of any 11 meters DX Group, you are welcome to take part in this free of charge event.

The contest starts at 00:00 UTC on Saturday and ends at 23.:59 UTC on Sunday, so a totally duration of 48 hours. You are free to decide, how long you like to take part of course.
CQ 11 World Wide ContestPlease let us know, if you join the contest, by sending an e-mail to : headquarter@irdx.org

For more information, rules, software etc., please go to the website : https://www.cq11ww.org

 Announced IR-DX participants :  
30IR103 13IR/HQ (13IR000 team) 32IR001
13IR121 19IR004 12IR001  

Inform yourself about the Law and regulations for 11 meter band. IR-DX Group takes no responsibilities in which way members using their RTX, transceivers or other radio equipment.


IR members activity in World Island Festival 2023

World Island Festival 2023Gui 14IR162 informed us that he will be active during the 2023 version of World Islands Festival.

The World Islands Festival on the 11m band, will take place from the 2nd until the 4th of June 2023.

He (14IR162 Gui) planned to activate the following 3 islands :

  • 14IR/AT008 Chevalier island | no Island reference number
  • 14IR/AT007 Sein island | Island reference number : EU-068
  • 14IR/AT010 Saint Nicolas | Island reference number :  EU-094

QSL via Gui – 14IR162

Didier 14IR001 informed us about activity from Marc 14IR181 who will be active as :

  • 14IR/23-007L – Ile (island) De Vaug Gelade (mid France), during the island festival.

QSL via Marc – 14IR181

Lars 13IR102 informed us that he, 13IR112, 13IR113 and 13IR249 will be active as :

  • 13IR/BY048 Wolflake (island)

When propagation permits, they will be active from BY049 and BY050 also.

If you are interested to be active from an island too or you live on an island, please let us know by e-mail and also visit World Island Festival registration

Soon on the Air – 14IR/MILL-76009

Windmill on the air activity reported by 14IR001 Didier.
14IR102 Micka, 14IR113 Seb and Jean-Claude) will be active between 6th and 8th of May 2023.

Callsign which will be used is 14IR/MILL-76009. This activity will take place from the Moulin du Haut Pas in the vincinty of Saint Wandrill Rancon – department 76 (Seine Maritime)
E-QSL can be requested via : 14IR001 Didier