30 Years Anniversary of International Radio DX Group

To celebrate our 30th birthday, we want to be active on the frequencies.

 Several members with personal callsign /HB30 will be active, all our clubstations like 15IR000 can use 15IR/HB30

Besides some holidays stations or special station will use e.g. 49IR/HB30 

A list of registered members and callsigns will be published on www.irdx.org

 In the end of 2024 we will print one QSL card and confirm all QSOs on one card.

 If you want to participate in HB30 activity, please inform HQ and send us a picture of you and your station, which we can use for QSL card. Besides the logbook need to be sent to HQ.

 Duration: until  31.Dec.2024


IR-DX, P.O.Box 48, 91333 Hemhofen, Germany, headquarter@irdx.org

 Contribution : 0,00 €

 Good DX

Following stations will be active in the next time

10IR/HB30 – active december 2024 – Log available

49IR/HB30 – activated between 22-28 october 2024Log available

153IR/HB30 – active november 2024 – Log available

3IR/HB30-A + 3IR/HB30-B – active now by 3IR001 and 3IR122 

for log please check http://www.clusterdx.nl

3IR/HB30-A 3IR001

3IR/HB30-B 3IR122

3IR/HB30-C 3IR012


In the meantime HQ received a lot of inquiries about QSL and we have learnt that the postal service from and to South America is not the fastest one. Felipe ex 32IR001, XQ7IR (now 32AT111) former Vice President was responsible operator and QSL manager of 80IR/0. As you know Felipe and some other former VPs left the group in April 2024. It seems it was not important to him to care about the QSL management.

The Activation Control Board (ACB) of International Radio DX Group checked the proofs (video, photos, Instagram account “XQ7IR” of 80IR/0 and found out that the shack was located in a hotel named Hostal Inka Thaki, which is located in Colchane, Tarapacá in Chile. That means QTH was not in Bolivia.

Of course, we have asked Felipe about further proofs, but we have just received bad words from him.

We are very sorry for the community, unfortunately we haven´t found out earlier.

ACB and HQ of International Radio DX Group has to declare 80IR/0, dated from 14-20.04.2023 as not valid, just a fake.

Germany, 26.08.2024

Jimmy, 13IR011, President

Announcement of IRDX President Jimmy 13IR011

International Radio DX Group announces that Ken 47IR042, Felipe 32IR001 and Eduardo 12IR001, former Vice Presidents, are not members anymore. Their behaviour after resignation encouraged us to expel them from the group.

It is obvious that there is only one International Radio DX Group, even if they use their IR callsigns. If you, e.g. the webmasters of other websites need approve of authenticity of any IR-members, just drop a line to IR-DX headquarter.

73 de Jimmy 13IR011


Sad news for 11 meter community

Information received us, that the founder of the Alfa Tango DX Group, 1AT001 Aldo, passed away after staying a while in the hospital.

Several members of IR-DX Group, were member of the Alfa Tango in the past and have known Aldo.

On behalf of the entire IR-DX Group, we like to express our deepest condoleances to the family, relatives and friends and wish them all strength with processing this great loss.

Rest in Peace Aldo

International Radio DX Group Headquarter


2019 Devon LOTA tour

“IRDX” Lighthouse Challenge, May 2019
4 Lighthouses Activated, 1 Every Sunday.
Berry Head, Teignmouth, Start Point, Brixham Harbour Lighthouses.
Callsigns & Dates:
5th May 2019, Berry Head – 26IR/ENG 007 
12th May 2019, Teignmouth – 26IR/ENG 153
19th May 2019, Start Point – 26IR/ENG 148
26th May 2019, Brixham – 26IR/ENG 016
(Should propagation be a problem, these dates could change or be repeated later in June, post will be updated appropriately)
1st prize – Silver Plated Engraved Lighthouse Spoon For The First Operator To Work All 4 Lighthouses, you must live outside of Devon of course!!!
2nd Prize – 2nd Operator To Work All 4 Lighthouses – 2 x South Point Lighthouse, Barbados coins, 1979 and 2010.
3rd Prize – 3rd Operator To Work All 4 Lighthouses – Lighthouse Keyring.
Good Luck!
Full Colour Qsl Confirmation Available – Images To Follow:
There will be “one special” full colour qsl for all lighthouses, to help all operators, rather than 4 separate confirmations making contributions excessive.
Please do not send your qsl request or contribution until the lighthouse tour has finished, many thanks.
Qsl Address For Standard Post, 
(2usd Plus Self Addressed Envelope)
Please Request Address Via: 26ir065@irdx.org
Paypal: 2.5 Euros, (Sent as a gift) to….
(You MUST leave a note with your PayPal payment giving the callsign you used for the logs and your address for mailing)
If for some reason you do not appear in the log your contribution will be returned.

IRDX: 25 years together !

2019 is almost knocking at the door, it means, our 25th anniversary is coming soon !

On March the 13th 2019, our beloved International Radio DX Group will celebrate it’s 25th birthday … 25 years on the DX scene, 25 years of friendship, meetings, activities. 25 years of love for 11 meters band.

For this event, we need ALL IR members to help, to be active, to promote the group …  More information to come …

Please feel free to contact HQ, if you have ideas or Projects ! TNX !

R2019 approche, ce qui signifie que nous sommes tout prêts de notre 25 anniversaire !

Le 13 mars 2019, notre cher groupe IR va célébrer ses 25 ans ! 25 ans d’activations, de meetings, d’amitié … 25 ans d’amour pour la bande des 11 mètres.

A cette occasion, nous aurons besoin que TOUS les membres IR nous aident, soient actif et fassent la promotion du groupe … Plus d’informations à venir …

Si vous avez des idées, projets, manifestez vous auprès du HQ ! Merci !