For Alain, Pascal and everyone who wishes to see, some pics from 14IR/68001R activity, held on June 4th 2017. 73 ! Tnx for your participation ! 14IR017 Reg
Island activities announced for Island Festival 2017
So far are announced:
104IR/EU014 Corsica by 104IR001
188IR/AF013 Madagascar by 188IR905
14IR/68001R Rhin Island Kembs by 14IR017
121IR/LI Long Island by 121IR391
79IR/OC129/A Negros island by 79IR101 Seth
79IR/OC129/B Negros island by 79IR428 Irving
125IR/NA016 Grand Cayman island by 125IR357
158IR/SA011 Trinidad island by 158IR101
173IR/AF016 Reunion island by 173IR034
14IR/10005R ile du stade by 14IR206
14IR/59058R IWI activation by 14IR106 Fabrice (sunday june 4th)
14IR/80001R St Aragone island by 14IR162 Gui
14IR/80006R La Treve island by 14IR162 Gui
14IR/80008R Pont Rémy island by 14IR162 Gui
14IR/80010R Ailly sur Somme island by 14IR162 Gui
…One QSL for all 2017 IR Island Festival activities : via 14IR017 Régis
2017 Island Festival : looking for IR-DX activators !
Dear IR-DX members,
The Island Festival 2017 will take place the first week-end of june (3-4 june 2017).
The registration is now OPEN
As usual , IOTA, IOTA N/V and I.W.I are counters for the competition.
A searchable list of islands is available here : but please not all islands aren’t listed.
We would be happy if some IR teams would be active this year, to promote the group and to keep the band alive.
Nearly everyone has some island nearby, at sea, in a lake or on a river, so don’t hesitate to take part to the event! With a team or alone, a few hours, one day or 48h, by car, foot or boat, just do like you can and enjoy the event !!!
To save you time and money, the group offers to print an ISLAND FESTIVAL 2017 QSL, confirming all IR island festival activations. One QSL, one manager (14IR017 Reg), one contribution.
All you have to do is to register the Island Festival, to inform 14IR017 Reg about your plans and to send your logs to the Island Festival + to 14IR017 when the event is over.
Chers membres IRDX,
L’Island Festival 2017 aura lieu les 3 et 4 juin prochains.
On peut dès à présent s’enregistrer sur le site pour y participer :
Comme d’habitude, les IOTA, les IOTA N/V et les I.W.I comptent dans cette compétition.
Une liste d’îles est disponible sur , même si la liste n’est jamais complète et que de nouvelles îles peuvent y être ajoutées.
Nous serions heureux que, cette année encore, des membres IR participent au Festival, afin d’assurer la promotion du groupe et de maintenir un peu d’activité sur la bande.
Presque tout le monde a une île près de chez lui, qu’elle soit en mer, sur un lac ou sur une rivière, n’hésitez donc pas à vous lancer ! Seul ou en équipe, pour quelques heures, une journée ou 48h, à pieds, en voiture ou en bateau, faites comme vous voulez et amusez-vous !!!
Pour vous éviter tout tracas, le groupe propose de faire imprimer une QSL générale Island Festival 2017 qui confirmera toutes les îles actives en IR cette année pour le festival. Une QSL, un manager (14IR017 Reg) et une seule contribution.
Vous devez juste vous enregistrer pour l’édition 2017, informer 14IR017 Reg de vos projets et ne pas oublier d’envoyer vos logs à l’organisation de l’Island Festival ainsi qu’à 14IR017.
Infos message 24/02/2017
Dear friend and members,
New year is already far away and the spring, is slowly making its way here.
End 2016-Early 2017 propagation stayed extremely bad and nothing special was heard here in Europe, only a few Asia -Australia recently.
As a result the Internet 11mtrs DX sphere has been more than quiet, no only IRDX Website, Facebook and mailing list, but all other sites / groups have suffered.
Even is like a desert these days.
Not much is happening anymore, quiet band and people having long time, just changing groups all time just because they are bored to death.
From what I’ve seen, some people are already QRT, other plays a bit with PMR 446mhz radios and some are desperately waiting for some openings.
A handfull of members like Francis 15IR056, Fred 14IR226, Florent 14IR206 and other are experimenting with digimodes (ROSmode, JT65, WSPR, SIM31 etc…), which is problably the way to go because of their efficiency over SSB in these times of bad conditions.
I believe we should encourage the use of digimodes and IRDX group should be known that, now, has someone free time to make some explanations/ tutorials and why not, organise some kind of “contest” ? like a “sunday JT65 party” or whatever ?
This would be cool, and even better if introduced by the International Radio DX Group !
By the way, in a few days (march the 13th if I remember well), our group will turn 23 years old !!! Of course, no need to organise an event for that, but be proud, and show your pride to be a IR-DXer on Facebook ! 23 years is not nothing, we weren’t born just yesterday ! I will try to do some free to use designs for you to make some advertisement on Facebook or wherever you like.
As per usual, I would like to remind you that activations are very welcome and we are here to support if you need some help. If long haul DX is poor we should anway benefit from “short skip” openings in May-June, so this would be the right time to make some IOTA-LOTA-IWI-SOTA-COTA-MOTA-WFF … QSL designing, QSL managing is no problem at all.
73 to all , enjoy the week-end …
14IR017 Reg
2017 wishes
Dear members, dear friends and supporters,
Best wishes for this new year 2017. May your dreams come true.
2016 has been a great year for IRDX : new members, activations (SOTA, WFF, 109IR, 152IR, 189IR, 328IR, IWI, Island Festival etc etc.), communication (Whatsapp group, Facebook …), modernity (members active on ROS mode, WSPR, SIM31 …).
Let's hope 2017 will be the same, even though propagation has been horrible lately.
We are proud for all our achievements, we are proud that we are always going forward, and we are proud to see our SPIRIT is still ALIVE !!!
We are not into the BUZZ, we aren't into elite, we are just normal people in a normal group, a familial group where everyone is equal and where everyone can voice his opinion.
Many groups come, many groups quit, many groups come back.
We are known as a serious group, which isn't making noise, which isn't into polemics and wars, we just go our way. We aren't Phoenix like (rise fast, fly high, fall quick), we are here to stay ! We believe in IR-DX and we will make EVERYTHING we can to be stronger next cycle ! It's not a springt, it's a marathon
Please, if you want something, if you have any remarks, requests, questions, don't hesitate to contact the HQ. Everything is possible, but the HQ cannot know about the members wishes if no one asks ! We enjoy your feedback and ideas ! Should you need anything, we're available on the mailinglist, on Facebook, on Whatsapp, via the Website etc .
New Members
14IR017 QSL management
For your information, all QSL requests received as of today (25/11/2016) have been answered.
I have no more pending QSL requests for:
328IR/CI082 , 328IR/CRO109, 328IR/CRO188, 14IR/FFF293, 14IR/67002R and 109IR/NU001.
It is not too late to request your QSL !
M. Régis
Contributions accepted : $, €, IRC, timbres au tarif en vigueur
Thank you for using UTC time !
PSE do not forget to send a SAE or a sticker.
BTW: I still have many QSL from last 5 years on stock (68XXXR IWI, 250IR/HB20, 50IR010 Victor, 10IR/BC, 10IR/COA, 30IR Basquian IWI – LOTA tour etc). PSE contact me for availability if you need some "old" card.
Brasil Coordinator
As Reminder for your Brasil Friends who need some Info about IR or just to ask something
3IR001 Fernando our Brasil Coordinator
Croatia Tour 2016 QSL printed and arrived at the manager’s
14IR/67002R, 109IR/NU001 and 14IR/FFF293 QSL printed !
Good news, 14IR/67002R, 109IR/NU001 (109/14IR206) and 14IR/FFF293 have been printed and received by the manager 14IR017.
Now waiting for Croatia Tour 2016 QSL to start sending out QSL cards.
PSE group your requests and send to: Régis 33 RUE RAYMOND POINCARE 68510 SIERENTZ FRANCE
SAE, stickers are welcome. Collection QSL, bonus QSL are not needed.
Paypal possible as well :