153IR/AS-053/KP update



Last info received from Jan : he is trying and trying, always on 27520, unfortunately the propagation is extremely low and scarce at the moment.

208 stations logged. We hope for better conditions during the coming days ! Good luck !




153IR/AS-053/KP news

Message from Jan :

"Hi all, feeling excited already…..I am ready to go go go……30 April my travel will start with the nightbus to Bangkok (10 hours), from there on 1 May to the south Andaman Sea Area again by bus (9 hours), next day 2 May ferryboat (2-3 hours) to final destination, hope to be on air 2 May 2015 >> 153IR/AS053/KP
The antenna is packed ! Hope to hear you ! Regards 153IR101


Thailande AS-053 new 2

Coming soon : new one from AS-053 group ! 153IR/AS-053

Hier lässt sich wunderbar den ganzen Tag am einsamen Strand liegen...

Soon on Air, New IOTA on 11 meter, this island has never been activated before, if you are interested to sponsor and get direct postcard please contact Jan 153IR101.
QSL via 153IR101 Jan including standard contribution. Dates of activation will be announced as soon as possible, stay tuned. 153IR/AS053

IR-DX HB20 status

IR-DX 2014 HB20 status
All “direct QSL” requests (ex: 250IR/HB20, 76IR, 218IR etc) have been answered.
Now, the special COLLECTOR trifold (triple) QSL has been designed and paid (TNX to the VPs for help!).
This QSL will be for HB20 hunters who sent their log.
Please allow 2 months delay for printing delays, sending delay, challenge results etc. etc.

Enjoy !

UPDATE 12/05/2015: QSL printed – on the way to 14IR017



IR-DX Elections results

With 111 votes, 1 blank, 45 votes for 14IR001 Didier and 65 votes for 15IR106 Adrian, we are happy to congratulate Adrian, who becomes the new IR-DX President ! Congratulations also to Didier ! Thanks to all members !

We do we go next ?

15IR106 President

Welcome to new members

  • 3IR125 Vander
  • 10IR200 Roberto
  • 47IR025 Sören
  • 3IR027 Luis
  • Callsign change : 14IR177 Pascal becomes 14IR126

A warm welcome and good luck with your IR-DX callsign !



IR-DX Elections 2015

Dear IR-DX members,


Potential IR-DX Group presidency candidates had until the 12th of March 23:59 hrs UTC to declare themselves.


We are pleased to announce that we have two candidates for the IR-DX Group presidency.


The two candidates are : 
14IR001 Didier and 15IR106 Adrian


Voting period : 
From March 16th to March 27th 2015.


Voting rules : 
All members can vote to elect the future IR-DX president. 

Send an email to : vote@irdx.org, in this email, write the candidate you choose and your name and IR callsign.


Results : 
The results of this election will be posted on the official Website, Sunday March 29th 2015.


We are looking forward for a massive participation, this election is very important, 
the new president will have to continue the rebuilding of the group and will have to 
deal with the solar cycle going down and the bad propagation years.


Thank you!


IR-DX HQ Council


Note: If you have not renewed your IR-DX Membership last 12 months, please do so. It is free of charge!

Please follow this link and confirm your renewal.