30IR/BI-004 or BI-005 on air the 8 March 2015

This Sunday, Flo will be on the air from BI-004 Ambecoa Isl. After a 1st reco. trip, it appears that BI-004 is accessible at low tide, with boots, at the south point. But if it fails, he will go to BI-005…

Comment from the operator:….”Access on BI-004 is possible, but it’s a long way walking in this “swamp” area ! Please listen well, be patient, as I’m not able to produce a big signal from there. Ambecoa Isl. Is located in a “biospheric area” so I use only “green energy” 12v Battery… I hope to write you down in the log.. 73, cu on the air” …




101IR/0 active NOW !


on air : 101IR/0


Standard contribution (2$ or VALID IRC) – Pse no Euro currency.

No country , operator name or shoesize questions on the air please ! The operator will have limited time, so please only make 1 QSO.

Good luck !

30IR/SPA032 picture

b 003

Great picture from our island hopper and lighthouse keeper Florent, 30/14IR206 !

VDA antenna rocks ! Perfect takeoff nearby the sea and hundreds of miles of clear horizon !



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Bizkaia (Vizcaya) DX tour


Stay tuned ! Some more islands / lighthouses coming until end april 2015 !

Already activated : (NB: some will be activated again !!!)

30IR/BI003 San Antonio de Abina / Sandinere Isl.

30IR/BI001 Pena (Rock)San Antonio

30IR/BI002  Chacharramendi Isl.

30IR/SPA032 Machichaco Light House

30IR/SPA022 Santa Catalina Light House

30IR/SPA115 Rosape Light House

Information from IR HQ council

Dear IR members,
As you know, the IR HQ Council (Vice Presidents ring) has been active as an interim HQ for one year.
We strongly believe that all members should be able to vote and voice their opinion in a democratic way.
So it's now the right time to elect again a new IR-DX Group president.
From NOW until the 12th of March 23:59, candidates to IR-DX Group presidency can send an application
to irhqcouncil@irdx.org , where they will explain their motivation, plans, ideas to improve the group.
Only members that have been using the IR-DX callsign ONLY during the five last 5 years can be candidates to IR-DX presidency.
A list of candidates will be published on our website www.irdx.org after the 12th of March.
We are working on the voting system and will let you know the details later.
73 de IR-DX HQ Council

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