
13IR114 Matt informed us that he will be 3 weeks active from Ruegen Island, EU-057.

QSL via : Matt – P.O.Box: 746 – 24751 – Rendsburg – Germany

Contribution is voluntary !

153IR/HB20 and 250IR/HB20


Good news ! 153IR/HB20 by Jan and 250IR/HB20 by Giovanni are on the air for IR-DX HB20 event !!! 

Good luck hunting for HB20 stations ! 

Special QSL will be available for BOTH activations via 14IR017 Regis – or just add them to your general HB20 log if you don't need the QSL.




IR-DX stickers

sticker 5 set foto2 groot

IR-DX members and non-members: Jan 153IR101 is offering some great goodies for collectors and to send as gifts together with your QSL cards.

For 3$ (including mailcosts!), Jan will send you two sets of 5 IR-DX stickers ( 10 stickers).
If you need 20 stickers , it will be 6$ etc …

You can get in touch with Jan via 153ir101@dxloops.nl .

Paypal payment will be possible !
Thank you, Jan !