Information from IR HQ council

Dear IR members,
As you know, the IR HQ Council (Vice Presidents ring) has been active as an interim HQ for one year.
We strongly believe that all members should be able to vote and voice their opinion in a democratic way.
So it's now the right time to elect again a new IR-DX Group president.
From NOW until the 12th of March 23:59, candidates to IR-DX Group presidency can send an application
to , where they will explain their motivation, plans, ideas to improve the group.
Only members that have been using the IR-DX callsign ONLY during the five last 5 years can be candidates to IR-DX presidency.
A list of candidates will be published on our website after the 12th of March.
We are working on the voting system and will let you know the details later.
73 de IR-DX HQ Council

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30IR IWI tour in progress

Lasts days, 3 Inland Waterways Islands in Biscay were activated, as “new one” on 11m.
Comment from the operator:
”Characteristics of theses 3 islands/rock are that, even if they are officially listed as IWI, they are located near the Atlantic ocean, and so, like any coastal Islands /rocks, they are affected by low /high tide…As of today, a bunch of “islands hunters” already worked me on all 3 islands/rock, so thanks to them, as well as the other ones, for their interest. I’ll be sporadically active again from these locations till April. Bests 73, cu on the air” ….

Reminder: Wait end of April 2015 before sending any logs entries and Qsl request! (to 14IR017)
(We expect multiple re-activations of these 3 ones, and maybe more to come till then)






13IR114 Matt informed us that he will be 3 weeks active from Ruegen Island, EU-057.

QSL via : Matt – P.O.Box: 746 – 24751 – Rendsburg – Germany

Contribution is voluntary !

153IR/HB20 and 250IR/HB20


Good news ! 153IR/HB20 by Jan and 250IR/HB20 by Giovanni are on the air for IR-DX HB20 event !!! 

Good luck hunting for HB20 stations ! 

Special QSL will be available for BOTH activations via 14IR017 Regis – or just add them to your general HB20 log if you don't need the QSL.




IR-DX stickers

sticker 5 set foto2 groot

IR-DX members and non-members: Jan 153IR101 is offering some great goodies for collectors and to send as gifts together with your QSL cards.

For 3$ (including mailcosts!), Jan will send you two sets of 5 IR-DX stickers ( 10 stickers).
If you need 20 stickers , it will be 6$ etc …

You can get in touch with Jan via .

Paypal payment will be possible !
Thank you, Jan !