Tnx Luca !
Now active : 10IR/BC – Baja California state
News from Philippines
The QSL-manager of 79IR101 Seth, received latest information from Seth, that he and his family are in good condition after the deadly typhoon Hayan passed the Philippines last week and devastated mainly the east part.
The typhoon crossed the north part of Negros island.
On behalf of the entire IR-DX Group, we pass our condoleances to those who lost family members.
May they rest in Peace.
14IR ISLAND TOUR 2013 QSL preview
updated log 50IR010 (26/11/2013) QSL RX TX
Reminder : QSL is already printed and available via 14IR017 Regis
1 07.04.2013 08.37 14AT627 USB 59
2 07.04.2013 08.41 14SA089 USB 59
3 07.04.2013 08.45 14IAA101 USB 57
4 07.04.2013 08.50 14BCAR154 USB 59
5 07.04.2013 08.55 54AT105 USB 59
6 07.04.2013 09.00 13SD599 USB 59 X X
7 07.04.2013 09.05 14FAT268 USB 59
8 07.04.2013 09.07 14IR017 USB 57
9 07.04.2013 09.09 47PL122 USB 59
10 07.04.2013 09.13 13AT111 USB 59