How to Increase IRDX Member Activity ?

The number of active IRDX members tends to increase when there is a lot of activity on the 11m.

In the last few months I’ve been able to contact many of you, because I’m on the radio every day and I’ve finally been able to install a better antenna than the vertical one I had in place for 2 years, which is great and I realise that if IRDX members are more active on the air they also need to be more active on the internet.

The first and best way is to be registered on a cluster, there are several (11DXClusterdxCRXdx27lf11) as the IRDX callsign is your main callsign, the best thing is to register with this one, but that’s not enough, you have to share with other users by sending spots.

The contacts you make, the frequency you are on, all this allows others to identify you easily and therefore allows you to make many radio contacts.

Another way is to have a Facebook account and a Facebook page (This link allows you to see my personal page).

I invite you to create your own and share as many images, sound, videos as possible for your favourite activity which is to make contacts with the whole world.

Facebook is not perfect, but it is a social network that is perfect for promoting radio activities, it is possible to share photos, videos, text, sound either on your wall or directly on your page.

As far as messaging is concerned, two are above the others, Whatsapp and Telegram and the international Radio DX Group is present on these two applications, if you wish to join one or the other of the groups set up, do not hesitate to contact me by email :

Activité SES

14IR/LBC (bassin houiller de Lorraine) sera actif par 14IR137 Harald entre le 22 juillet 2022 et le 31 décembre 2022.
Harald est un vieux mineur qui veut faire quelque chose pour le Groupe IRDX, mais son âge et sa santé ne lui permettent pas de faire une activité portable.
Le Groupe IRDX ne délivre pas beaucoup d’indicatifs SES mais nous comprenons que certaines personnes ne peuvent pas être actives en dehors de la maison et nous espérons que son SES sera un succès.

Qsl via 14IR137
Adam Harald 112 A rue des romains 57800 Freyming Merlebach France.
Contribution volontaire

Activités de 14IR113 Seb & Mickael 14IR102

Mickael et Sebastien ont été actifs pendant leurs vacances depuis le 5 août 2022 et ont déjà été actifs avec l’indicatif spécial 14IR/31028R île Saint Julien (IWI).
Le 6 août, ils seront actifs avec l’indicatif 14IR/PE504 Sommet de Pique Poque.

Ils sont accompagnés de deux opérateurs 14FDX081 Jérôme + 14FDX058 John de la région et utilisent donc également l’indicatif spécial IRDX.

Les E-qsl seront en ligne sur :

Activities by 14IR113 Seb & Mickael 14IR102

Mickael and Sebastien are active during their holidays since August 5th 2022 and have already been active with the special call sign 14IR/31028R Saint Julien island (IWI).
On August 6th they will be active with the callsign 14IR/PE504 Pique Poque summit.

They are accompanied by two operators 14FDX081 Jérôme + 14FDX058 John from the region and therefore also use the special call sign IRDX


E-qsl will be online on :



Marten 13IR042 wird wieder auf der Insel Hasselö aktiv sein als
Startdatum: 9 Sep 22
Enddatum: 16 Sep 22
QSL über 15IR106 Adrian
Adrian Aeschbach
Unterer Rossiweg 8
3856 Brienzwiler

Paypal verfügbar

Swedish flag
Viel Glück!


Marten 13IR042 will be again active in Hasselö Island as
Start date: 9 Sep 22
Finish date: 16 Sep 22
QSL via 15IR106 Adrian
Adrian Aeschbach
Unterer Rossiweg 8
3856 Brienzwiler
Swedish flag
Paypal Available
Good luck.