Le phare Hourtin Tower North (Carsans Beach) sera activé par 14IR133 Olivier entre le 15 avril 2022 et le 30 juin 2022.
QSL via : Olivier 2 impasse de terrefort
33340 Gaillan-en-médoc ( France )
12IR/URU009 Light Cerro de Montevideo (LOTA)
We are pleased to inform you that from 05/04/2022 The maritime lighthouse located above the fortress Fortaleza General Artigas, in the district of Villa del Cerro in Montevideo, Uruguay will be activated from time to time until the end of the year 2025 the assigned call sign is 12IR/URU009.
E-QSL will be available on
Only E-QSL Available
The first part of the 11m & PMR field day takes place this weekend.
Here is the list of participants:
You can find IR members in frequency with the following callsigns:
14IR/FD033 with 14IR102 Mickael
14IR/FD079 with 14IR181 Marc
Surprising not to have more activity from the members but once again thanks to these two French members who are once again the most active.
Information received us, that the founder of the Alfa Tango DX Group, 1AT001 Aldo, passed away after staying a while in the hospital.
Several members of IR-DX Group, were member of the Alfa Tango in the past and have known Aldo.
On behalf of the entire IR-DX Group, we like to express our deepest condoleances to the family, relatives and friends and wish them all strength with processing this great loss.
Rest in Peace Aldo
International Radio DX Group Headquarter
Nous avons le plaisir de vous informer qu’à partir du 24/07/2020 Le Château de Roumare sur la commune de Roumare dans le département 76 (Seine-Maritime) sera activé de temps en temps jusqu’à la fin de l’année 2025. L’indicatif d’appel attribué est 14IR/CR.
Confirmation par E-Qsl uniquement via 14ir001@irdx.org
Les confirmations seront visibles ici cherchez l’album attribué à cette activité
le dossier E-QSL sera mis à jour pour inclure de nouvelles images après chaque nouvelle activité.