Renewal 2024

If you wish to remain an IR-DX member, we would like to ask you to fill in the renewal form below, if you have not done yet !

The IR-DX Group will stay a non-profit organisation and a renewal fee will be a voluntary support and we are most happy, if you want to support us.

All donations fees wil go to IRDX Foundation. From these donations we pay the expenses for :

  • Renewing domain and webhosting services of our web site
  • Sponsor DXpeditions
  • Printing QSL cards
  • Administration expenses

More news soon for the members, also who renewed already, because we are working out a new system for the group.

If you like the International Radio DX ( IR-DX ) Group,
you can always sent us a donation of any amount by PayPal.

Click the button and request for more information, how you can support us !
Support IR-DX Group. Any donation is welcome !

  1. – You can directly fill the form and save it by click on >> (right on top) and click save

    download the renewal form (PDF) below
  2. Fill it in and save it !
  3. Sent it to the e-mail address of the renewal manager.