IRDX Clubstations



  • The QRZ for the Clubstation must be obtained from IR HQ
  • There must be one named operator, who is responsible for the correct running of the Station
  • There must be a minimum of three (3) operators present before the Clubstation can be activated
  • An accurate log must be kept, using the progressive number system will be prefered. The Log must be signed by at least three (3) of the operators present.
  • NO Money or IRC are to be requested for qsl cards
  • The Operators of the clubstation may only say during the activation : “voluntary contrbution will be appreciated”.
    The Special QSL 000 will be send anyway, without any problems.


Dear friends, dear members,


As the IR manager for IR island activities in the 2017 contest, and also as an island activator and hunter, I wanted to congratulate ALL teams from all groups, and thank ALL hunters.

Special TNX to the Island Festival Organisation for the great work (fast answer to all queries, and lightening fast results calculation!!!).

I already looking forward to participating to the 2018 event! 2017 was a success TNX to all involved.


Sincere BRAVO to the winners in each category !


Now, as the manager for IR activities and as a vice President of the group, I want to say a few words to the IR members: 

Guys, I'm delighted by the EFFORT you've done ! Great activating and great hunting ! 

International Radio made the show again ! We can do it if we really want ! 

The group is ALIVE and we have TOP quality members – I hope many "sleeping" members or members mostly active for other groups will consider again using the mythical IR callsign.

We have a fantastic callsign, and incredible history and a great "way of life" (The Spirit), so enjoy the radio and help us making IR BIG again !


Regards and vy 73 … de 14IR017 Regis


NB: I will now start designing the IR Island Festival QSL.Teams, your pictures are welcome.

Island activities announced for Island Festival 2017

So far are announced:

104IR/EU014 Corsica by 104IR001

188IR/AF013 Madagascar by 188IR905

14IR/68001R Rhin Island Kembs by 14IR017

121IR/LI Long Island by 121IR391

79IR/OC129/A Negros island by 79IR101 Seth

79IR/OC129/B Negros island by 79IR428 Irving

125IR/NA016 Grand Cayman island by 125IR357

158IR/SA011 Trinidad island by 158IR101

173IR/AF016 Reunion island by 173IR034

14IR/10005R ile du stade by 14IR206

14IR/59058R IWI activation by 14IR106 Fabrice (sunday june 4th)

14IR/80001R St Aragone island by 14IR162 Gui

14IR/80006R La Treve island by 14IR162 Gui

14IR/80008R Pont Rémy island by 14IR162 Gui

14IR/80010R Ailly sur Somme island by 14IR162 Gui

…One QSL for all 2017 IR Island Festival activities : via 14IR017 Régis