Announcement of IRDX President Jimmy 13IR011

International Radio DX Group announces that Ken 47IR042, Felipe 32IR001 and Eduardo 12IR001, former Vice Presidents, are not members anymore. Their behaviour after resignation encouraged us to expel them from the group.

It is obvious that there is only one International Radio DX Group, even if they use their IR callsigns. If you, e.g. the webmasters of other websites need approve of authenticity of any IR-members, just drop a line to IR-DX headquarter.

73 de Jimmy 13IR011


Statement regarding New Rules and Guidelines

Statement of IRDX President Jimmy 13IR011

I would like to thank all involved members for acceptance and support to stop the destruction of IRDX Group. The here published “17 rules” are deleted, because most of them are not conform with IRDX philosophy, what we call “The Spirit.”

Philosophy of IR-DX Group (The Spirit)
The International Radio DX-Group 11m Section
is a family friendly, liberal group of radio operators.
We are open for everybody and respect all others.
Our hobby is DXing and our passion is finding friends around the world.
We want to be a modern, non-profit group with ideas for the future.

We just have a few rules to run the community.

For all IR-DX members, who want to have more rules and strict regulations, we can recommend other DX groups!

We want to stay a non-profit group and we don´t want to force our members to pay a fee every year nor for zero unit-numbers, but we are always open to receive any voluntary amount if you want to support us.

At the moment we don´t see any reason to change anything from the philosophy.

On this point we want to say thank you to Felipe 32IR001, Eduardo 12IR001 and Ken 47IR042 for their work as Vice Presidents, Coordinators/Directors etc. They all give back all their positions voluntary and make the way free for new characters.
At the moment the HQ Team is established as follows:

Rob 19IR04 VP, 13IR102 Lars VP, 15IR076 Chris VP,
Kati 13YL747 HQ Secretary
Jimmy 13IR011 President

Besides IRDX group announces the new Senior Vice Presidents Board:
Daniel 13IR074, Bert 13IR101 (former Vice President), Adrian 15IR106 (former President)

For the future we are looking for original members with spirit who want to be involved with any position in IRDX group. Feel free to contact HQ Team.

Soon we will publish more information about new structures in IRDX group.

73 & good DX de
Jimmy 13IR011
IRDX President 11m section

80/15IR664 BOLIVIA – ON AIR –

80/15IR664Philipp 15IR664 is active now from Cochabamba central part of Bolivia.

Will be active until April 5th 2024  “Holiday style”, some info about the setup there in Cochabamba:

TX/RX: Yaesu FT 857D 100W

ANTENNA: Half Wave End Fed coax antenna 

Logged Stations: ITL (in the log)

QSL Manager: 15IR106 Adrian

Standard contribution is needed.

See you in the Pile UP!

Continue reading

Asian Tour 2024 by Asia DX Team

Source : 13IR102

The Asian Tour (237IR/0, 238IR/0 and 242IR/0) is ended and the team is safe back to Thailand now.
3 Days to go back home.

Thanks to all Supporter and for QSO’s, we will back later this Year!

73’s from Ralph & Lars

Am I in the Log ?

…and don‘t be afraid about the spent money!
The donated money is safe with paypal and till now not touched!
Don‘t worry about it.

News from Asian Tour from 23.01.2024 will be 153IR102 and 153IR249 On Air

13IR102 & 13IR249 Asian Tour 2024

Preview 237IR/0 QSL

A 100% valid activation from Lars, 13IR102, who returned back to Germany and confirming QSL’s now.
He informed us, that he is planning to return to Asia in the first half of 2024.

Statistics so far :
– 581 QSO’s logged
– into 50 DXCC from 6 continents

Calls from AT: 290, SD: 63, IR: 31, DA: 18, EK: 17, RC: 16, DX. 12, LR: 12 plus rest other calls.

Lars, P.o. Box 1410, 91142 Roth, Germany
2US$ / 2€ Contribution for each
(Free for IRDX Members!)

Aesean Tour 2023 – Update 20/10/2023

20/10/2023 :
We received information, that the Aesean tour is not ended yet, but as it is the Monsoon rainy season the circumstances can be hard to get somewhere, so please understand this situation ! Roads are totally different then e.g. in Europe.

We are informed that QSL’s for sponsors are written and ready to be sent out soon !

So stay tuned, we hope to have more information soon.

10/10/2023 :
13IR102 Lars ended first part of his ASEAN Tour 2023, last night and the surprise activation was 237IR/0.

We like to thank Lars for all his effort to be active from a rare DXCC. Circumstances were not that easy for him with a bad start due to a problem with the power supply, but after all, 600 QSO’s in just 5 days is absolutely nice.

We have been informed that one of our well-known members, 13IR102 will start his Asia Tour from September 9th until October ?? 2023.

He will start in september from Thailand first and will use 153IR102 first.

Then later on, he will move to Cambodia (238IR/0), Laos (239IR/0), Vietnam (242IR/0) and at last a surprise highlight?? (xxxIR/0).

QSL information : Lars – P.O.Box 1410 – 91142 – Roth – Germany
Contribution : 2$ dollar / 2€ euro for each contact and free for IR-DX members !

More information and sponsoring, visit