26IR/ENG-016 Brixham lighthouse

Active this sunday May 26th 2019: ENGLAND 016 Brixham lighthouse !

The IRDX Lighthouse Challenge:

4 Lighthouses Activated, 1 Every Sunday.

Berry Head, Teignmouth, Start Point, Brixham Harbour Lighthouses.

Callsigns & Dates:

5th May 2019, Berry Head – 26IR/ENG 007 
12th May 2019, Teignmouth – 26IR/ENG 153
19th May 2019, Start Point – 26IR/ENG 148
26th May 2019, Brixham – 26IR/ENG 016

*** Berry Head ENG007 will be repeated in June due to the band being closed, date to follow***

(Should propagation be a problem, these dates could change or be repeated later in June, post will be updated appropriately)

1st prize – Silver Plated Engraved Lighthouse Spoon For The First Operator To Work All 4 Lighthouses, you must live outside of Devon of course!!!

2nd Prize – 2nd Operator To Work All 4 Lighthouses – 2 x South Point Lighthouse, Barbados coins, 1979 and 2010.

3rd Prize – 3rd Operator To Work All 4 Lighthouses – Lighthouse Keyring.

Good Luck!

Full Colour Qsl Confirmation Available – Images To Follow:

There will be “one special” full colour qsl for all lighthouses, to help all operators, rather than 4 separate confirmations making contributions excessive.

Please do not send your qsl request or contribution until the lighthouse tour has finished, many thanks.

Qsl Address For Standard Post, 
(2usd Plus Self Addressed Envelope)
Please Request Address Via: 26ir065@irdx.org


Paypal: 2 euros via: paypal.me/IRDXqsl

(You MUST leave a note with your PayPal payment giving the callsign you used for the logs and your address for mailing)

If for some reason you do not appear in the log your contribution will be returned.

Is IR-DX the right choice for you ?

The International Radio DX Group (established in 1994) is not a free of charge radio group. You have to pay once a membership fee, to become a lifetime member of this group.
We are not looking for multi-multicall members (callsign collectors). What we expect, is people who really want to use the IR callsign and want to be involved in the group life.

Also, we are not interested in putting on the air silly activations or useless activations. We better do few, but good activations.

We are a familial radio group, mixing seasoned DXers with beginners …

The group has a lot of "Originals" members, who know each other for years and years and are fully devoted to keeping up the IRDX Spirit !

Le groupe International Radio (crée en 1994) n'est pas un groupe gratuit. Il faut payer une cotisation afin de devenir membre à vie du groupe.
Nous ne recherchons pas de nouveaux membres à n'importe quel prix mais nous attendons de nos membres qu'ils participent à la vie du groupe et qu'ils utilisent majoritairement leur indicatif IR.

Nous ne tenons pas non plus à activer tout et n'importe quoi juste pour faire parler de nous, nous préférons activer des choses quand cela vaut vraiment la peine.

Nous sommes un groupe familial, où se côtoient des DXers confirmés ainsi que des débutants. Nous avons parmi nous un grand nombre d'anciens, qui se connaissent parfois depuis des décennies et s'emploient à préserver l'esprit IR et à assurer sa continuité.