QSL preview for 30IR Basquian Tour 2015 (folded/double QSL card)
IR Field day Germany (IR Meeting)
24-26/07/2015 – Main Day 25/7
With Pleasure we can tell you the IR Germany Crew Organizes once again a Meeting.
This Meeting is open for everyone from every group who like to Join us on this nice Place
Place will be in 91154 Roth-Pfaffenhofen – Industriestrasse..till the end
Place for Camping available !!
Food & Drink on sale on place !!
If you like to stay over night in Hotel near Fieldday place
If you need help about a hotelroom or you know you will visit the Fieldday 100%
please give a small info to Lars 13IR102 for a optimal Organization email 13ir102@irdx.org
If you need anything from Group Material feel free to ask Adrian: 15ir106@irdx.org
Message from Jan :
"Hi all, feeling excited already…..I am ready to go go go……30 April my travel will start with the nightbus to Bangkok (10 hours), from there on 1 May to the south Andaman Sea Area again by bus (9 hours), next day 2 May ferryboat (2-3 hours) to final destination, hope to be on air 2 May 2015 >> 153IR/AS053/KP
The antenna is packed ! Hope to hear you ! Regards 153IR101"
IR-DX 2014 HB20 status
All “direct QSL” requests (ex: 250IR/HB20, 76IR, 218IR etc) have been answered.
Now, the special COLLECTOR trifold (triple) QSL has been designed and paid (TNX to the VPs for help!).
This QSL will be for HB20 hunters who sent their log.
Please allow 2 months delay for printing delays, sending delay, challenge results etc. etc.
Enjoy !
UPDATE 12/05/2015: QSL printed – on the way to 14IR017