Tag Archives: IR-DX
IR-DX Elections 2015
Dear IR-DX members,
Potential IR-DX Group presidency candidates had until the 12th of March 23:59 hrs UTC to declare themselves.
We are pleased to announce that we have two candidates for the IR-DX Group presidency.
The two candidates are :
Voting period :
Voting rules : Send an email to : vote@irdx.org, in this email, write the candidate you choose and your name and IR callsign.
Results :
We are looking forward for a massive participation, this election is very important,
Thank you!
IR-DX HQ Council
Note: If you have not renewed your IR-DX Membership last 12 months, please do so. It is free of charge! Please follow this link and confirm your renewal.
30IR/UGR001Ullibari Gamboa Reservoir / Islet # 1
This Sunday,15 March 2015, a “last minute” IWI activation, has been done from the Alava province / Basquian Country.
Flo was active as “portable” from Aldayeta Islet . He suffered a lot due to weather conditions (Fog, 3°c, rain and snow showersl….) and equipment failure! (loose microphone wiring).
After nearly 40 Qso in 2 hours 20 mn a big rain shower closed the activity. It resulted a wet equipment and operator…
Well done Flo 😉
This “unexpected” activation, was done during a reconnaissance trip, for a possible “bigger one”, on this lake, with boat access, in some weeks…
Time will tell.
This activity is part of the IR-DX Basquian Country DX Tour … PLEASE DO NO SEND QSL before the tour is over. Other activations to come .
30IR/BI-004 or BI-005 on air the 8 March 2015
This Sunday, Flo will be on the air from BI-004 Ambecoa Isl. After a 1st reco. trip, it appears that BI-004 is accessible at low tide, with boots, at the south point. But if it fails, he will go to BI-005…
Comment from the operator:….”Access on BI-004 is possible, but it’s a long way walking in this “swamp” area ! Please listen well, be patient, as I’m not able to produce a big signal from there. Ambecoa Isl. Is located in a “biospheric area” so I use only “green energy” 12v Battery… I hope to write you down in the log.. 73, cu on the air” …
30IR/ZI ZIERBENA island active NOW (IOTA N/V)
Good news from the Basquian country !
30IR/SPA032 picture
250IR/HB20 & 153IR/HB20 received from printer
IR-DX Mexico Website
Please visit the new Mexican IR-DX Website ! : http://irdxmexico.org/