IR-DX Elections 2015

Dear IR-DX members,


Potential IR-DX Group presidency candidates had until the 12th of March 23:59 hrs UTC to declare themselves.


We are pleased to announce that we have two candidates for the IR-DX Group presidency.


The two candidates are : 
14IR001 Didier and 15IR106 Adrian


Voting period : 
From March 16th to March 27th 2015.


Voting rules : 
All members can vote to elect the future IR-DX president. 

Send an email to :, in this email, write the candidate you choose and your name and IR callsign.


Results : 
The results of this election will be posted on the official Website, Sunday March 29th 2015.


We are looking forward for a massive participation, this election is very important, 
the new president will have to continue the rebuilding of the group and will have to 
deal with the solar cycle going down and the bad propagation years.


Thank you!


IR-DX HQ Council


Note: If you have not renewed your IR-DX Membership last 12 months, please do so. It is free of charge!

Please follow this link and confirm your renewal.






30IR/UGR001Ullibari Gamboa Reservoir / Islet # 1

This Sunday,15 March 2015, a “last minute” IWI activation, has been done from the Alava province / Basquian Country.

Flo was active as “portable” from Aldayeta Islet . He suffered a lot due to weather conditions (Fog, 3°c, rain and snow showersl….) and equipment failure! (loose microphone wiring).

After nearly 40 Qso in 2 hours 20 mn a big rain shower closed the activity. It resulted a wet equipment and operator…

Well done Flo 😉

This “unexpected” activation, was done during a reconnaissance trip, for a possible “bigger one”, on this lake, with boat access, in some weeks…

Time will tell.

This activity is part of the IR-DX Basquian Country DX Tour … PLEASE DO NO SEND QSL before the tour is over. Other activations to come .





30IR/BI-004 or BI-005 on air the 8 March 2015

This Sunday, Flo will be on the air from BI-004 Ambecoa Isl. After a 1st reco. trip, it appears that BI-004 is accessible at low tide, with boots, at the south point. But if it fails, he will go to BI-005…

Comment from the operator:….”Access on BI-004 is possible, but it’s a long way walking in this “swamp” area ! Please listen well, be patient, as I’m not able to produce a big signal from there. Ambecoa Isl. Is located in a “biospheric area” so I use only “green energy” 12v Battery… I hope to write you down in the log.. 73, cu on the air” …




30IR/SPA032 picture

b 003

Great picture from our island hopper and lighthouse keeper Florent, 30/14IR206 !

VDA antenna rocks ! Perfect takeoff nearby the sea and hundreds of miles of clear horizon !



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